One thing I have always enjoyed is admiring buisness cards from a variety of sources. There’s a colossal amount of variety and creative designs to be inspired by wherever you may pick one up. To some artists, business cards can be a collectible item. Whilst also doubling as a fantastic, cohesive piece to help create new and long lasting connections.
The amount of personality and energy you can find in the Artist Alley of any comic convention is immense. Distilling that into a small, 84mm by 55mm canvas is both impressive and inspiring.
All this is to say: I have finally made and printed my very own business cards! If you like the look of them, keep an eye out for me at Concept Art, Illustration or Game industry events in the UK.
It’s always exciting to meet new people, hear about the work that they do and talk about what inspires them. Want to talk about your art or creative industry inspiration? Get in touch, I’d love to hear from you.
